Resources and Tools
- Preventing Hash Collisions
- Java Swing Layout Animation
- The Java Javascript Engine
- Creating a Progress Dial
- Discrete Categorical Random Sampling
- LinkedList versus ArrayList
- PCA For 3-dimensional Point Cloud
- GUI Builders Pitfalls
- Identifying Strange Attractors
- Three Video Editing Techniques with ffmpeg
- Custom Serialization in Java
- The Aizawa Attractor
- Strange Attractors: The De Jong Attractors
- Rendering the Lorenz Attractor
- Drawing a Continuous Bezier Curve
- Programming the Lorenz Attractor
- Modeling the Rubik's Cube with OpenGL
- Rubiks Cube: Computer Simulation
- Saving the Expansion State of a JTree
- Sorting the Indexes of an Array
- Maze Generation Algorithm - Depth First Search
- Book Review - Ignorance: How it Drives Science
- Conway Game of Life in Java
- Autocomplete Drop Down in a Java JComboBox
- Enable/Disable JComboBox Items in Java Swing
- Dummy Variable Trap in Regression Models
- Line Numbers in Java Swing
- Evolutionary Art using a Genetic Algorithm
- 3-Dimensional Metaball Computer Graphics
- 3-Dimensional Smoothing: Catmull-Clark Subdivision
- Molecular Surface Reconstruction using Marching Cubes
- Reaction Diffusion in 3-Dimensions
- Review - Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think
- Google's ReCaptcha Service
- How to Sort a Large File
- The Julia Set Fractal
- When to Construct a new String Object in Java
- Java: The Misuse of a TreeSet
- Optical Character Recognition using PCA
- Reaction Diffusion: The Gray-Scott Algorithm
- Controlling Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) using Javascript
- Genome Browsers: 4 Free Bioinformatic Software Tools
- The Anatomy of a URL: Understanding the elements of a Web Address
- Java and Swing: an iPhone-like JScrollpane Component
- R Programming Through Java
- What is Bioinformatics: A Primer
- The Monty Hall Problem
- The Future of Java Applets
- Create Your Website in Five Steps
- Bioinformatics: Sequence File Formats
- Technical Forums: What Not to Do
- Review: Doing Bayesian Data Analysis
- Electric Vehicles Emissions
- Review: Reinventing Discovery by Michael Nielsen
- The Art of Sequence Alignment
- GeneCoder - Command Line Utilities
- GeneCoder: Common Sequence Manipulations
- Finding Similar Webpages by Text Mining
- GeneCoder: Restriction Enzyme Sequence Analysis
- GeneCoder: Access NCBI Remotely
- Deploying a Java Application As a Native Mac
- GeneCoder - Assembling Sequences
- GeneCoder: Sequence Regions
- GeneCoder Overview
- GeneCoder - Common Sequences
- Analyzing Apache Weblogs In R
- Linux Command Line: Beginner Tools and Commands
- BLAST Alignment in Java
- JEeutils - Access NCBI from Java
- Constructing Builder Set Methods in Java
- Creating Editable Google Maps
- J2EE: Changing Objects with Remote Interfaces
- Saving Objects in Java
- The Importance of Access Modifiers
- Knowing When a Thread Stops
- Counting Sudoku Solutions in Java
- Custom Undo/Redo Solution in Java
- How To Create a Solved Sudoku