
Biology and Science

National Center for Biotechnology Information: Containing the most comprehensive biological database available.

Pubmed: search and access scientific papers online.

ExPASy: online proteomic database and tools.

EMBL: European Bioinformatics Institute

Protein Data Bank: Tools and database for Protein Structures.

KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes.

Biocyc: Pathway and Genome Database.

Journals:  Science Magazine | Nature | Cell


Oracle Tutorials: The Oracle JavaTM tutorials.

Apache: The Apache software foundation. Useful and widely used open source software and libraries.

W3 Schools: Comprensive tutorials for web scripting and design.

PHP Hypertext Processor: All you wish to know about PHP and more.

Perl: The Perl Programming Language.

© 2008-2022 Greg Cope