VistaPDB is a free, stand-alone program for biologists to analyze 3D Protein and DNA structures in the form of PDB files.

Model Types
- Stick.
- Ball and Stick
- Space Filling
- Ribbon
- Surface
- Easily modifiable model preferences allows users to modify color, resolution, and much more...
- Rotation and translation tools make analyzing models easy. Move the rotation of origin to rotate models around a different point.
- Measure molecular distances.
- Add new models via layers.
- Split co-crystal structures into self-rotating models.
- Animate models and record movies.
- Align sequences via pairwise or BLAST1 algorithms. View the alignments in the 3D viewer to analyze similarities and differences.
- Currently compatable with PDB files only.
- Save customized models as a PDB formatted file.
Other tools
- Search and download1 PDB Files on the fly.
- Comprehensive 3D amino acid and nucleotide reference.
- Comprehensive selection tools to select residues by type, location, and proximity.
1 BLAST and Entrez tools are based upon third party support from National Center for Biotechnology Information. Please treat this resource with respect - abuse can result in rejection of searches and queries by NCBI.